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Blog by Don Kennedy

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They Wait

They Wait is a supernatural suspense thriller based on Chinese superstition. With Feng Shui and other oriental beliefs having a moderating influence in Vancouver life it’s a natural that the story is obviously set in our city although it’s never acknowledged as anything other than The Pacific Northwest. Jaime King (Goldie in Sin City) plays Sarah who is married to Jason (Edmonton’s Terry Chen) a North American born entrepreneur. They’re living in Shanghai taking care of business and Sammy their ghost preoccupied son when they’re called home due to an untimely death during Hungry Ghost Month – or is it untimely?  While on this side of the Pacific Sarah and her son come down with a case of I-see-dead-people and their sixth sense has something to do with unsettled spirits whose bones are no longer allowed to be buried alongside their ancestors due to communist regulations in China. When Sammy becomes possessed by a vengeful ghost his mom sets out to save him and in the process literally and otherwise discovers some ugly family skeletons in the closet. They Wait is an interesting take on Chinese folklore but you can probably stand the wait for They Wait on DVD.
