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Blog by Don Kennedy

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The Babysitters

The Babysitters is about a group of senior high girls who set up a babysitting service with benefits - and we’re not talking extended medical and dental. Katherine Waterston is terrific as Shirley who instigates the scheme that originates with the inappropriate relationship started with Michael, who ends up paying a very large tip after an extended drive hope post babysitting job for him and his wife played by Cynthia Nixon. Michael is played by John Leguizamo who when he looked 17 starred as The Pest - the same type of hormonal geek that Shirley and her libidinous classmates now feel make for slim pickings in the high school dating pool. When Michael lets the cat out of the bag all of the neighbourhood dads want to hire Shirley and she soon has to recruit her friends who seem only too happy to take up the slack and pay Shirley a percentage. However with all the money involved eventually Shirley is forced to get ugly in order to stamp out freelancing. Middle aged men with teenage girls is pretty creepy stuff that you know can not end well, but The Babysitters is still a well made film that wraps up with a perfect twist.
