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Blog by Don Kennedy

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Religulous  is a documentary that puts organized religion under satirical scrutiny. Who could imagine that the irreverent topical comedian Bill Maher would be the driving force both in front and behind the camera? Teamed up with Borat director Larry Charles, before making the sober point that we’ll never see salvation until we turn our backs on the Salvationists, there’s a lot of laughs as Maher literally plays devils advocate. With Maher as the talking head the two globe trot sparring with religious figures who display various degrees of zeal but who all trace their roots back to Abraham. Surprisingly the most liberal thinkers are two Vatican priests but among those crucified on their own cross examination  are a Mexican second coming of Christ, a Holocaust denying Rabbi, a Dutch Marijuana priest, a Muslin extremist rapper and Jesus from a Florida Bible theme park. With Clarence Darrow skill Maher uses the new and old testaments as well as the Koran to logically question what so many believe to be God’s own truth. The film is as enlightening as it is entertaining but with the audience that it is likely to attract he’s probably going to end up preaching to the converted.
