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Blog by Don Kennedy

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Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost is a big screen adaptation of a long ago TV series that was rejuvenated in the early ’90’s. Where it may have a nostalgic aspect for original viewers, as a stand alone movie it’s just plain silly. Will Farrell gambled and lost on this movie playing Dr. Rick Marshall who with much debatable hubris expounds his theory to an incredulous Matt Lauer (in a bad career move) that manipulation of sub atomic particles by a Tachyon amplifier can induce teleportation to a parallel dimension. With the aid of star struck academic Holly Cantrell (Anna Friel) he heads to the most likely spot for teleportation which turns out to be in the center of a fourth rate New Mexico amusement park. Joining them on their passage is the red necked carney Will Stanton (surprising stand out Danny McBride). On their arrival they meet a missing link named Cha-Ka (SNL’s Jorma Taccone) with whom Holly curiously can communicate, a nastier than normal T-rex with a glass ego and zombie-esque lizard-like creatures called Sleestaks. Unfortunately they also misplace their Tachyon amplifier which is bad news because not only is it their ticket back but also holds the salvation of the universe. All this left me lost – lost as to how Holly can speak Neanderthal, lost on how a T-Rex can understand English but mostly feeling the loss of the time watching this film.
