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Blog by Don Kennedy

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Capitalism: A Love Story

Capitalism: A Love Story is the latest skewering from writer-director Michael Moore which is assembled with his usual efficient prompting of infuriation. Put to the lie this time is the belief that the American Dream is only attainable through the current established capitalistic system. What is strongly suggested is a systematic erosion of the middle class by the very wealthy (mostly banks) that started with Reganomics and climaxed with the recent collapse of world economies. Mixed with sometimes rare archive footage dating back to FDR’s New Deal Moore makes a persuasive case but as usual gets bogged down with his own goofy antics played for the camera but futile at getting results. The film is unnecessarily long with anecdotes like a section regarding private prison corruption that relates but the point could have been made without it. Despite running long Moore can still be accused of not being thorough as he refutes a popular right wing link made between God and capitalism using Catholic clergy exclusively as spokesmen – this hardly seems balanced and how much credence do they have these days? Usually gloom and doom documentaries end on an up note giving some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. That is the case here but it’s not very settling. Still if you’re looking for a non apologetic explanation of the mess we’re in financially this is a blunt breakdown that will make you cry and laugh at the same time.
