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Blog by Don Kennedy

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Saint John of Las Vegas

Saint John of Las Vegas has Steve Buscemi’s grill all up in your grill for a full 85 minutes. That much orthodontic neglect might be a little too repulsive if he weren’t such a wonderful performer and the peripheral cast only further enhances this smart but dark comedy. Buscemi is John, a compulsive gambler whose luck ran out in Vegas so he blew town, not stopping until he ran out of gas which landed him in Albuquerque. He scores a job with an insurance company and life seems to improve especially when he starts to connect with Jill (Sarah Silverman) the happy face loving flirty girl in the next cubicle. Unfortunately lotto tickets refuse to allow him to totally break free of his gambling addiction and when he approaches Mr. Townsend (Peter Dinklage) his diminutive but randy boss for a raise he’s put on the company fraud squad and his first assignment is a potentially bogus claim in his own personal Gomorrah – Las Vegas. Things get worse with Virgil (Romany Malco) his sullen and creepy mentor who does little to assuage the dread he feels heading back to sin city. Fans of funky comedy won’t be gambling choosing this sure bet.
