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Blog by Don Kennedy

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Fish Tank

Fish Tank stars impressive silver screen neophyte Katie Jarvis as Mia, a fifteen year old with a foul mouth, delinquent attitude and a love for animals and break dancing. She lives in a rundown London suburb with Joanne (Kierston Wareing) her not much older single mother and Tyler (Rebecca Griffiths) her much younger sister. When mom brings home a new boyfriend named Connor (Michael Fassbender) Mia’s awakening hormones sit up and take notice. Connor feels an attraction too but initially seems only to want to give some comfort to a family that’s having a rough go. It turns out that Connor has a big secret that an inquisitive and resourceful Mia find out but not until it’s really too late. At that point the short fuse on Mia is itching for payback and she’s prepared to resort to evil to exact revenge. This low budget British film was a favourite last year at Cannes where it captured the Jury prize.
