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Blog by Don Kennedy

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The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is the latest run at box office gold with an adaptation of the third novel by Stephenie Meyer that continues this wildly popular tale of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and her haemoglobin jonsein’ main squeeze Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). Torn between two lovers this time isn’t the biggest problem facing Bella because even as overtures from luscious lycan Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) are gradually wearing her down, again tossed into the mix is the vindictive Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard) who has been seeking to kill Bella since book one and is now craftily creating an army of newbie vampires with help from her home made flack Riley (Xavier Samuel) to fulfill that purpose. This kind of vampire vigilantism is frowned upon by the Voltari (a kind of Vampire mafia) and if they’re forced to trek from Italy to Forks Washington (actually Belcarra Regional Park) to clean up this mess they’re bound to notice that Bella has not yet acquired a taste for blood – something promised as her salvation at the conclusion of The Twilight Saga: New Moon. The Cullen’s and the local werewolves (the pack that Jacob runs with) have to form a truly unholy alliance in order to vanquish these villainous vampires. Where the second film seemed to rush through the meaty details of New Moon this Twilight reveals a lot from the again voluminous novel Eclipse yet stays true to the book – not easy to do in just two hours which makes this possibly the most memorable offering so far.
